Pipe Routing, How to use it? and Where to use it?

Welcome Reader,

I want to ask you some questions before reading this blog.

1. How water is distributed from the river to your home?

2. What is a low-cost way to transport oil and gas today?

3. Which component is majorly used in chemical industries and wastewater treatment Fields?

All questions have the same answer: Pipes

In today’s world pipe is used everywhere, and from the last decade, pipe use is increasing rapidly in chemical, water treatment fields, due to this the requirement of pipeline designers is increasing rapidly. So in this blog we giving you pipe routing basics and required tool info to create pipe routing. Lets Begin,

What is pipe routing?

There is multiple definitions of pipe routing, one of the simplest definition is “A pipe routing is a plan or layout which is made before fabricating a real pipeline” during the designing pipe routing we have to consider the minimum required parameter which affects the final pipeline.

1. Minimum bend in the pipeline,

2. Shortest and Simple Route of Pipeline,

3. Maintaining the minimum gap between two pipes.

4. Minimum flanges and other pipe fittings.

5. Provision for Future Pipeline.


Where Pipe Routing is Used?

Pipe Routing is widely used in

1. Water Distribution System

2. Chemical Industries

3. Petrochemical Industries

4. Waste Water Treatment Plant

5. Oil And Gas Transportation


Top 5 software used for designing pipe routing.

1. Solid Edge Modular Plant Design:

Solid Edge Piping Design provides the automated 3D piping design with comprehensive 3D part libraries and fully automated isometric drawing output for plant design. Our solution includes fully automated isometric drawing output via PCF format using integrated ISOGEN® functionality. Tubes and hoses of the same length in different assemblies—even if they are flexed differently—maintain the same BOM number, reducing erroneous manufacturing and ordering downstream.

Solid Edge Piping Design also supports routing through parts, allowing faster packaging design, and flexible tube and hose design with a fixed length option.

Tutorial for Solid edge Pipe Routing:https://youtu.be/HBS2MVr2L64

2. Solid Work:

The Routing application is an add-in to the SOLIDWORKS Premium software. With Routing, you can create a special type of subassembly that builds a path of pipes, tubes, electrical cables or ducts between components.

 route subassembly is made up of three types of entities:

  • Components, which are fittings and connectors, including flanges, tees, electrical connectors, and clips.
  • Route parts, which include pipes, tubes, wires, cables, and ducts.
  • Route feature, which includes a 3D sketch of the centerline of the route path.

3. Intergraph Smart® 3D FOR PLANTS:

Intergraph Smart® 3D is an advanced, data centric and rule-driven software. It has been designed especially for mission-critical requirements. It does a good job of breaking through challenges set by traditional technologies. SMART 3D provides an iterative environment and is popular among Engineering, Procurement, and Construction EPCs and owners alike.

Intergraph Smart 3D has a wide range of capabilities that are required to design plant, marine, and materials handling facilities. It also does a great job of maintaining the 3D as-built documentation. Data-centric technology, and a rules and relationship based algorithm, integrated reuse approach, and customized automation capabilities are some of the reasons why Smart 3D has gained high acceptance in the industry.

Key benefits of Intergraph Smart® 3D:

  • Real-time Concurrent Design
  • Automated Deliverables
  • Intelligent Rules and Relationships
  • Interoperability
  • Task-based Modeling

4. CADWorx® Plant Professional

CADWorx® Plant Professional is an engineering and piping design software that allows designers to create models quickly and easily. It is widely used for plant and piping design solutions. It is known for its scalability, interoperability and flexibility. CADWorx® helps create accurate models for the more complex projects – be it process plant piping, buried pipe, intra-plant pipe, transmission lines, or other piping systems.

Important features of CADWorx®

  • Designs complete models with steel and modeling capabilities
  • HVAC ducting and cable tray routines
  • Accurate piping design by referencing over 60,000 parametrically-driven components
  • Creates automatic isometrics from layouts, databases, or Isogen®
  • Detects clashes/collisions in the current or externally referenced models
  • Offers real-time design status and creates bills of material(BOM) in a variety of database formats

5. PDS®:

PDS® is a broad-range and smart computer-aided design/engineering application. PDS has been around since 1980 and is considered one of the pioneers in 3D design software. PDS is production driven and provides value by reducing the total installed cost of project. It is used by many renowned EPCs and owner/operators for their industrial design.

Important features of PDS®:

    • 3D modeling that helps engineers designer better
    • Dynamic walk through for operations and maintenance personnel
    • Interference checking
    • Accurate material take-offs
    • Specification driven design and phased reviews

To get a more detailed blog or any help on solid edge modular plant design,

please comment below and share your ideas about pipe routing. Thank you to read this blog.


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